12 surprising ways to use your DockATot in lockdown

  • Melissa Kleinman
  • November 09, 2020

Keeping your baby safe and snuggled are some of the best functions of a DockATot, but there are so many other ways to use both the Grand and Deluxe+ docks.

Whilst we're spending more time in our homes than ever before, many parents are finding creative ways to fill the time. DIY projects, baking sessions and arts and crafts are some of the most popular activities bringing families together.

Designed to be multifunctional

The DockATot was created to be the perfect place for your baby to lounge no matter what the day brings you. It was designed to be a multifunctional resource for busy, overstretched parents.

Amber Baldwin Dockatot

From a baby’s tummy time to a toddler’s playtime, there are endless ways to use your DockATot during this lockdown season. Let us give you some inspiration!

Cinema time

Place the DockATot in front of the TV, grab some snacks and turn on a favorite film. (Turn it up a notch and make a ‘tent’ over the dock with a pegged up sheet!)

Keeping fit

The DockATot is an excellent prop to keep your baby happy and close to mama while you exercise. You could even incorporate it into your routine! Look at this pair doing ‘Mummy and me’ yoga.
Dockatot Yoga

Photo courtesy of @addiegudry

As a babysitter

While you're cooking dinner, the DockATot docks provide a safe, comfy environment to lounge in. Your baby gets to hear and see you close by. What’s not to like?

Dockatot tips

Photo courtesy of @jessicasaramorris




A DockATot can make playtime so much more fun - and comfy. Just look at how cosy this little girl looks. Choose a selection of your little one’s favourite toys and gently sit them in the dock. You’ll be surprised at how well they occupy themselves in this snug environment.

Staying close

A DockATot may even help bring siblings together! Even if your older child isn’t showing much interest in their little brother or sister, just being close-by can increase that sense of connectivity.


Photo courtesy of @dccold

The DockATot is so portable, you can put it anywhere. Just remember to place it on a flat surface and not to carry it with your little one inside.

Imaginative play

Some of our little ones have turned their DockATots into pirate ships, cars and boats. Give them ideas and watch their little minds wander!

Dockatot games

You could make up a game where your little one is a fisherman, trying to catch fish out of his boat (aka DockATot). Or a pirate trying to find some treasure!

Dinner time

Your DockATot is a safe spot within arm's reach while you're eating dinner with the rest of the family. Connected with the family, yet offering mum the chance to eat and catch up with everyone else.


Photo courtesy of @samantha_erin

Toy arch

Attach the Toy Arch to your DockATot Deluxe+ for hours of stimulating fun. Babies love reaching for the crinkly toys, which helps them to build strength in their neck muscles. It’s also a win for improving fine motor skills.

Dockatot toy arch

Tummy time

One of the most popular uses for a DockATot Deluxe+ is for tummy time. It's an ideal spot to let your little one spend time on their front because the rounded sides help to prop up your baby when placed under their arms.

Dockatot Tummy Time

Prop up a board book or play mirror just within reach and you’ve got yourself one happy baby.


DockATots are the perfect spot for reading books. Let your little ones snuggle in as you share your favourite stories and pictures. 

dockatot reading time

Get Outdoors

Whilst you can’t venture too far, don't forget to go outside for some fresh air and vitamin D. It’s so important for mental well-being and can provide an alternative stimulus for little ones.

Wrap-up warm, bring your dock outside and watch the stars or have a picnic. Don’t worry the covers are washable!

picnics with the Sleepyhead Grand

Our DockATot Cabana Kit keeps babies protected from the elements while in their dock, so you can get outside more often without worrying.

DockATot designs

We hope you feel suitably inspired to make the most of your DockATot. View our full collection here, and enjoy its versatility, portability and functionality.

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